Cybersafety, cyber bully

Highly Recommend This Book

Now a days, it is common for children to use tablet/ PC at a very young age. On one hand, we as parents are enjoying how much easier it is for kids to learn with the use of technology. On the other hand, are worry about cyber safety. All along I wanted to introduce this…

Stay Safe Online

I love How We Got Cyber Smart

I love How we got cyber smart because it reminds me never ever to do stuff on the tablet and that If I don’t know what to do, i should always have my parents around to help me with the tablet. It also teaches not to talk with strangers online . Never !

Cybersafety, cyber bully

Just what I was looking for

I am a 3rd grade teacher who was suddenly thrust into distance learning due to Covid-19 school closures. I wanted to find something to share with my students, since they will be navigating the online world more frequently now. We talk about being safe, kind, and responsible IN school and this book helps me carry…

Cybersafety, cyber bully

Helped to have a conversation

Noah really liked your book. He audibly gasped on two occasions, when Olivia took the tablet off the bench and when they got the message from Joey Hoops. It really made an impact on him and it helped me have a conversation with him about some of the dangers on the internet that I otherwise wouldn’t…

Cybersafety, cyber bully

Great and engaging way to open up discussion

Was a great tool for me to use with my young man. He actually read the whole thing with me and then we were able to chat about it together and agree on our house rules. He was able to better articulate then I could the potential dangers which took me back a bit but…

Cybersafety, cyber bully

Highly recommended for parents and teachers

Purchased this book to educate my children on cyber safety. Very informative and engaging story of siblings learning the importance of being safe while using the internet. Very well written and pictures are gorgeous. As a teacher will also use in the classroom. Highly recommend.